

为与Wikipedia竞争,Google推出Knol产品,并从2008年7月份开始运营,至今已有六个月。最近,据Goolge宣称Knol的文章总量已达到10万份,尽管离英文维基的271万份相差很远,但就6个月时间来说已是相当不容易。值得注意,人们曾担心的Knol运营模式,这个问题也开始出现,作者署名及评审的机制并没有发挥预计的作用,似乎这一问题会继续纠缠Knol:阅读量低,内容质量低,重复内容不少,按照Nate Anderson 的分析:
Take "Barack Obama," for instance. A search for his name brings up 809 entries; since most Knol users appear to write their own entries rather than add to others (for which no compensation is forthcoming), the proliferation of entries is inevitable. And it's not at all clear that the best ones are rising to the top.

